You see Dan, I wear a cat on my head.


Z1 Blithering sits drawing. Newly inked cartoons are surrounded by a plate with a little crust on it, a bag of chips, a brush in a glass of paint water, pens, pencils, rulers, ink, post-its covered in sketches, and wads of paint stained paper towels. Behind him a TV western goes completely ignored. He speaks aloud for his characters. 


(As Dan)

Are you happy Lou? You’ve just offended three more interns. 

(As Lou)

It’s meant to be fun. You know fun? For younger people who are 

maybe a little, I don’t know, less uptight than you are? 

You see Dan, I wear a cat on my head. 

(As Dan) 

I get it. 

(As Lou)

Whenever Jinks turns around - I say to the nearest intern, 

I say, “I’m winking at you kid.” And then I just let it hang 

there, for as long as it takes - - -

(As Dan)

It’s only fun for you Lou. That’s why creepy.